Do you want tips for a manageable and stress free Japan vacation?
So before your much-awaited sojourn in Japan, let me give you some handy tips to make your trip smooth and breathable.
1. Download the JAPAN RAIL MAP app on your phone or tablet.
This app saves us a lot while getting on and off the trains. We were able to track the station where we were heading, learn how to get from one station to another and see the timetable of trips. This will be useful for travelers who will often ride the train during their DIY tour.
2. Learn how to read some Japanese letters and say some Japanese words.

It was after our trip when I decided to take Japanese Class. I can only imagine how helpful it would be if I only took this earlier. Here are some basic Japanese sentences you can use during your tour.
Ohayoo Gozaimasu- Good Morning
Konnichiwa- Good Afternoon
Konbanwa- Good Evening
Oyasumi Nasai- Good night
Domo Arigatoo Gozaimasu- Thank you very much
Moichido Onegaishimasu- Please repeat
Yu kuri Onegaishimasu- Slowly please
Watashiwa (name) des- I’m (name)
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu- Nice to meet you
Iie- No (should be pronounced as Eeee-ye)
Hai- Yes
Sumimasen- Excuse me or Sorry
Kore wa ikura desu ka- How much is this?
Kore wa nan desu ka- What is this?
3. Bring an international debit card.
Before we went to Japan, I asked BPI to activate my debit card for international transaction. You can also inquire on your bank about the activation of your card. For Union cardholders, you can readily transact abroad because it is accredited internationally.
Withdrawing money from ATM in Japan will be on 5,000 Yen, 10,000 Yen and so on. So make sure, you have enough bank deposits in case of emergency.
4. If you don’t have international debit card, buy Japanese Yen here.
I suggest that you review your option and check the rates.
You can always check the exchange rates of currencies in Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas website.
Choose the money exchange establishments that offer the highest rates. Consider the proximity of your place and how much money you like to have in hand.
Japanese Yen is twice bigger than Philippine Peso.
Usually, the conversion is 1 peso = 2 Yen
5. Know the weather or season in Japan.
There are four beautiful seasons in Japan: Summer, Winter, Autum and Spring

Summer is from June to August. But, take note that during this season,
some days are rainy. So better bring an umbrella in case the rain pours.
Autumn is between September to November. You’ll feel colder breeze because after this season, winter is coming. Be amazed of the autumn colors of the nature.
Winter lasts from December to February. It could be dangerous for traveler who are not used to zero degree weather. But this season is very fascinating. I suggest that you visit the Shikarawago in Nagoya where you’ll see Christmas houses- alike.
Spring is usually between March and May. They say it’s the best
season of all because of the Cherry blossoms. It is also the peak season
for travelers in Japan. So if you don’t want to experience the surge of
tourist, pick another season to visit.


Great introduction to Japan
thank you. 🙂
Catha, that’s a very cool list. But can I add one point? How about getting a hotel with a free onsen in it? Instant stress-free scenes, hahahah! Btw, good content!
THank you for your great suggestions
Their japan rail map is sooo confusing yet very systematic! Im just glad that google maps app saved our ass during our japan trip. Great blog!
Great post, it will make travelling in Japan hassle free. Thanks for sharing.
One of my favorite place to travel. Love to go back time and again.
Great tips on helping people travel to japan. It is definitely on my bucket list though I think the language may be the biggest stress for me since I dont know a single word cept maybe Domo Arigato. Cant wait to go over there and use their rail map cause the idea of riding the high speed train sounds awesome!
My brother and sister-in-law just came back from Japan, and they loved it. I have this country on my list, specifically to do the 88 Temple pilgrimage, one of these days. Thanks for your information!
Thank you for all your tips and guides, I’m planning to go to Japan next year with my partner but he insist that he would like to rent a car, is that a good idea? I mean we travel in different countries already and rent car at the same time I’m kinda worried cause Japanese people doesn’t speak that much English. I hope it won’t be a burdensome for us. Thanks for your advice in advance. Great post anyways! very helpful!
This is sooo helpful. I wish I had known this before I went to Japan!
Thanks for sharing these tips. very helpful. I’ve always wanted to visit japan and I need this. 🙂
Definitely going to keep this post bookmarked for my Japan trip!
Thanks for these suggestions. Would love to learn and explore the best of this beautiful country.
Thank you for this informative post. Japan is one of my “places to go before I die” list. Really envy u right now ?